Sunday 28 September 2014

The Songbird On Earth

Hey everyone, I liked writing about the Songbird so I continued it on. Here's everything so far, including what I've already posted. Please enjoy!
~Steve (Angels)

Far away a songbird flies,
Where he goes he does not know,
Over mountains through the skies,
Across countries he will go.

You will never clip my wings,
The cheeky songbird always sings,
Where there’s life and hope I’ll be,
Flying over land and sea.

The songbird passes towns and people,
And sees a square filled with a crowd,
He perches on a building’s steeple,
And listens to the screaming sound.

He sees the fists and guns too late,
He sees the flags in the morning light,
He sees the leaders preaching hate,
He doesn’t understand the sight.

The bullets loose and the songbird flies,
He won’t let the evil take him,
Though he cannot stand the lies,
Others still have need of him.

You will never clip my wings,
The cheeky songbird always sings,
Where there’s life and hope I’ll be,
Flying over land and sea.

From the towns to up high,
He begins to bathe in the sky’s long rivers,
He lets out a pleasant sigh,
Until the icy water starts the shivers.

But the Songbird is not alone up here,
No, there is a mighty Eagle,
Rumors talk of this wise seer,
Soaring above the land so regal.

“Oh Eagle tell me won’t you please,
of this world so big and round,
tell me of the grass and trees,
of the seas, the earth, the ground.

Tell me of the men and women,
tell me why they scream and moan,
tell me of the crying children,
and why they have not got a home.”

There is silence in the skies,
Eagle does not say a word,
But then the voice comes deep and wise,
Startling our little sweet Songbird.

“Humans care not for the world they live in,
they care not for the earth, the seas,
they care not for their wives, their children,
they care not for the birds, the bees.

They burn and kill and maim and slash,
they deal in nothing but hate and death,
with all goodness they do clash,
and soon there will be nothing left.

Smell the foulness on the air,
see the land that is cut and crying,
feel the death of all that is fair,
hear our world slowly dying.

Humans plague all goodly creatures,
They do not understand their wrong,
They are nothing but evil leeches,
This you must learn from Eagle’s song.”

The Songbird heard Eagle’s words so wise,
But he could not accept their truth,
They must be naught but lies,
From an observer so aloof.

“Humans are no evil creatures,
they have their faults and so do we,
we can strive to be their teachers,
we can teach them to be free.”

Eagle shakes his mighty head,
The Songbird leaves the clouds behind,
No matter what Eagle said,
Goodness will the Songbird find.

Why does the Songbird think this so?
Why will he search with great care?
Why around the world will he go?

Because there is always good out there.

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